If that's the case than use Becket. Problem with Becket is that is virtually impossible to get a 10 pristine rating. But if you do, watch out, you will retire and the card will easily be worth over a million. However PSA 10 which is easier to get than a Becket ten, will get you more money than a Becket 9.5. That's why the general "rule" is use PSA for older cards and Becket for newer.
That’s not really true
A BGS 9.5 is more valuable then a PSA 10 anyway so who cares if you only get a 9.5 BGS
A BGS 9 is probably equal to or greater then a PSA 10 .
So go BGS
But don’t get all excited .
The odds of you having a 9.5 BGS or a 10 PSA are probably less then winning the lottery .
Even if the card looks perfect to you it could still be just a 7 .
They grade the cards on things you can’t even see wirh the human eye.
And there are politics involved
Everytime a Jordan rookie gets graded a 10 the value of all the other Jordan rookie cards go down in value .
There is a lot of politics and crazy things that go on behind the scenes on high end cards like Jordan’s